The Connection Between Your Wealth and the Future


A lot of people on social media assume that if they could time travel back—which means they would know the future—they would need to travel back at least weeks, or even months to make a billion dollars. This is too much of an overstatement. As a matter of fact, you could simply make a billion dollars by only knowing a day of the future in advance. The number of perfect betting parlays and stock micro-movement predictions within any given day could yield you an unimaginable amount of return. This gives us the following conclusion:

Any successful knowledge of anything in the future can be worth a tremendous amount of wealth.

Then the question is: How do we benefit from this conclusion? The first principle we need to notice is that the highest delta lies in the confidence level of your knowledge of the future. This is because the prediction/knowledge of the future is in a boolean state: You either yield an unimaginable return or you yield NOTHING, regardless of how little or how much is included in your prediction/knowledge of the future.

Because You Only Live Once, your only elongated shot at achieving wealth could last in two different scenarios: You either make several attempts at predicting the future, from trading and betting to job hunting, in which some succeed and some fail, leading to your aggregate yield being insignificant in achieving wealth status because of the number of failures; Or you make one certain prediction and stick to it, and if you are correct enough, you yield a great return. Because of the number of failures present, your aggregate yield is insignificant in achieving wealth status.

The clear solution here is to put your effort into making one correct future prediction in your life. And this is where entrepreneurship comes in.

If you simply choose something you are interested in, predict how this would turn out to be like in 30 years, and attempt to realize your prediction, you possess the highest possibility of making significant wealth in your life over any other alternatives.

The Importance of Long-Term Vision

One of the key insights from this conclusion is the importance of long-term vision. The ability to see potential in an industry, a trend, or a technology that others may not recognize yet is crucial. This kind of foresight allows you to position yourself advantageously, setting the stage for future success.

Take, for example, the rise of the internet in the late 20th century. Those who predicted its transformative impact and invested in web-based companies early on saw enormous returns on their investments. Similarly, the early adopters of cryptocurrencies, who recognized the potential of decentralized finance, have witnessed exponential growth in their wealth.

Commitment and Persistence

Predicting the future and positioning yourself to benefit from it requires not just vision but also commitment and persistence. The journey of entrepreneurship is fraught with challenges, uncertainties, and setbacks. It demands a long-term commitment and a relentless pursuit of your goals.

Consider the stories of successful entrepreneurs like Elon Musk or Jeff Bezos. Their paths were not without obstacles, yet their unwavering belief in their vision and their persistence in the face of adversity were key to their success.

Learning and Adaptation

Another critical aspect is the ability to learn and adapt. The future is not static; it is shaped by countless variables and changing circumstances. Being adaptable and willing to learn from failures is essential.

For instance, many startups pivot from their original ideas to adapt to new information or changing market conditions. This flexibility can make the difference between failure and success.

Building a Strong Network

Lastly, building a strong network is invaluable. Surrounding yourself with knowledgeable, supportive, and like-minded individuals can provide guidance, open doors, and offer invaluable insights.

In the world of entrepreneurship, collaboration and partnerships can accelerate growth and bring about opportunities that might be impossible to achieve alone.


In conclusion, the key to significant wealth lies in making one correct prediction about the future and dedicating yourself to realizing it. This involves a combination of vision, commitment, adaptability, and a strong network.

By focusing on something you are passionate about and predicting its trajectory over the long term, you enhance your chances of achieving substantial wealth. This approach stands in stark contrast to the randomness of multiple attempts with uncertain outcomes.

So, embrace the challenge, trust in your vision, and prepare for a journey that, while demanding, holds the promise of unparalleled rewards.