The Development of AI and Class Struggle


Recently, while studying Marx in class, I felt compelled to discuss the future of AGI in the context of Marxist communism. With the rapid advancements in artificial intelligence, particularly Artificial General Intelligence (AGI), we might be on the path to realizing Marx's vision of a classless, egalitarian utopia where resources are shared equally.

AGI and Social Transformation

In an era where resources are abundant and AGI can make effective decisions and perform tasks, machines would not only execute all tasks humans can but also continuously learn and adapt to new environments. This would exponentially expand human creativity and productivity, breaking the traditional limitations of production relationships and capabilities.

Imagine a world where robots care for the elderly, educate children, and manage national infrastructure, leaving humans with more time to pursue art, scientific exploration, and personal growth. This vision aligns with Marx's ideal society. In such a society, people no longer engage in class struggle for resources or work merely for survival; instead, they work for their interests and personal development. Capital would no longer oppress workers because the means of production would be collectivized, allowing everyone to equally enjoy the wealth and convenience brought by AGI.

Challenges Ahead

However, achieving this ideal is not without challenges. Class struggle would persist, as the old capitalist structures would not easily relinquish control. Capitalists might attempt to control advanced AI technologies to maintain their power and wealth. Therefore, it is crucial to ensure that the development of technology is under appropriate social control to promote equality rather than exacerbate inequality.

A Thought

Sometimes I think, Sam Altman, with his WorldCoin initiative, might just be a competent Marxist.

The Future Shocking Revelations of AI

Author: StevenHuang 黄浩彬
Published on: February 23, 2024
Tags: AI, Technology, Future

If we divide the brain's decision-making mechanisms into deep thinking decisions and subconscious decisions, AI's rapid iteration could entirely replace subconscious decision-making within five years. This sounds terrifying, but if you consider the majority of daily human activities—commuting, eating, writing documents, physical labor, design, engineering—there is virtually no field that AI cannot replace.

I believe the most irreplaceable aspects are likely our social, conformist, and emotional attributes. These are essential human traits, possibly the key to our cooperation and evolution. If we lose these characteristics, extinction might not be far off.


While the rapid development of AI brings unprecedented convenience and efficiency, it also poses unprecedented challenges to our society, culture, and even the essence of humanity. It forces us to rethink what is uniquely human, what we value, and what kind of society we aspire to be in the future.

Concluding Thoughts

As we stand on the brink of an AI-driven revolution, it is essential to recognize and navigate the profound changes it brings. Whether AGI will lead us to a Marxist utopia or create new forms of inequality depends on how we choose to develop and implement these technologies. The future holds immense potential, and it is up to us to shape it in a way that aligns with our highest ideals of equality, creativity, and human flourishing.